Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

I have thought a lot about our military and its sacrifices over the past few days. I'm sure that it has also been on most Americans minds too. I hope the loss of eight of our troops due to an IED in a field somewhere in Afghanistan recently did not go unnoticed. When you are a patriot and are a workamper it's hard not to appreciate all that we have in this country since you work most holidays. You get to see the bounty our country holds both materially and spiritually. Funny how the smell of firewood and the happy gatherings of thousands can evoke such thoughts. I am going to admit publicly that patriotic ceremonies can and do bring a tear to my eye. My sister surprised me by admitting the same thing. I have two other thoughts while I'm on patriotism. My father is chiefly responsible for instilling this fervor and pride in me. My service did the rest. Finally, I find it difficult to accept peoples criticism (or making light) of my service. While I did not slog through the rice paddies of Vietnam, or assist in the rescue of students in the Dominican Republic, or help topple Noriega; I gladly entered the service during a time of conflict in this country. I did, however, serve in one of the most elite military units in the world both as a Marine and a Embassy Guard. As they say, all gave some, some gave all.

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